Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Which type of network is most suitable for your school library?

Networks & Library Networks

Library network is an essential need of each and every library. Because Every library budget is not so big. Avoid the duplication of work. And one of the most important things is to fulfill the user's need. How these things possible in libraries only by library network. If all the library connected to the specific network then they can exchange the thing in the best way. This network provides interconnectivity between more libraries. Library networks reduce the cost and time. If one library having one book that book can access other libraries by library network.

States  Library networks in India 

ADINET - Ahmedabad Library Network
BALNET - Bangalore Academic Library Network 
BONET - Bombay Library Network
CALIBNET - Calcutta Library Network
INDOLIBNET - Indore Library Network 
MALIBNET - Madras Library Network
MYLIBNET - Mysore Library Network 
PUNENET - Pune Library Network
WBPLNET - West Bengal Public Library Network 

Indian  Library Networks

DELNET - Developing Library Network
INFLIBNET - Information and Library Network
MANLIBNET - Management Libraries Network 
All these networks aim to minimize the cost and maximize the use. All users can use the reading material anywhere. These networks provide interrelationships between two libraries.

Type of Networks 

LAN - Local Area Network
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
WAN -Wide Area Network

LAN - LAN network provides the service to connectivity between two or more computers. LAN can cover a small area. for example, one school can connect with Lan. computers of one institute we can connect.

MAN – MAN Network can cover city area. Man network can work in Delhi city.

WAN – WAN network can cover a large area. This network can work worldwide. 

Conclusion - We can use LAN network for the school Library work. So all over the school, So a library can work functionally well.

For More Information:------


Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

- How To Do Contemplation / Meditation

- Learn To Differentiate Between Mutual Funds And Stocks.

- Free photos, Videos, Vectors, Illustration & Music. No copywriter claim on such Material.

Library Book Supporters

- How to Manage / Maintain Library?

- Where do I get a book stamp? The thing which really required in the library that is Library Stamps

- What is the Basic Thing requires to start a Library? Library Card, Library Book Card, Book Card Pocket, Book Return Sleep, Magazine/Periodicals/Journals Cardex Index

How can I read library books online?

- How to write a library science thesis or dissertation PDF

 - Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

- How To Make the Library Booklist?

Mukesh R Patel school Library

- How to make Library Book Spine Label

Whatis mean by Library Book barcoding?

- How many books required for 1000 students in the library?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How many books required for 1000 students in the library?

How Many Books Quantity or Numbers required For Library.

Hello Readers,

As per laws of student strength how many books require in the library?.  it is a fundamental question for everyone. 
Every Librarian has the same question that if the inspection committee came and if they ask how many books have in your library?.
at that time you should have a clear-cut answer for that team. 

so, you should say like, this is the number of students in my school and this is the number of books I have in my library. 
It is sure that when you start your library you should have 1500 books in your library. At that time whatever may be the number of your student. 
Books quantity always related to the student strength but, how we can calculate is always an issue. 

the government rule regarding book quantity as per student strength, We should require 5 books per student in our library. 
It means behind one student we require 5 books.
We can calculate like this 1000 × 5 = 5000. It means if we have 1000 students then we require 5000 books. 
 These 5000 books we need to purchase. It means we should not include donated and sample/specimen books in this quantity. We should have rather than curriculum book we should have 5000 books in our library.
When the affiliation committee comes they surely ask the number of books and newspapers and magazines. Initially, we require 15 magazines in our library and at least 3 to 5 newspares. One English, One Hindi, and one regional language newspaper we should have in our library.

In Short:-
- Per student 5 books.
- 15 magazines/Periodicals/Journals subscription
- 3 to 5 Newspares.

 CBSE Law Regarding the book quantity.
Link:- CBSE Law

For More Information:------


Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

- How To Do Contemplation / Meditation

- Learn To Differentiate Between Mutual Funds And Stocks.

- Free photos, Videos, Vectors, Illustration & Music. No copywriter claim on such Material.

Library Book Supporters

- How to Manage / Maintain Library?

- Where do I get a book stamp? The thing which really required in the library that is Library Stamps

- What is the Basic Thing requires to start a Library? Library Card, Library Book Card, Book Card Pocket, Book Return Sleep, Magazine/Periodicals/Journals Cardex Index

How can I read library books online?

- How to write a library science thesis or dissertation PDF

 - Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

- How To Make the Library Booklist?

Mukesh R Patel school Library

- How to make Library Book Spine Label

Saturday, March 27, 2021

What is mean by Library Book barcoding?

Library Book Barcode / Book Barcoding

What is mean by Library Book barcoding

When I look around our surroundings I Found that Barcode is used everywhere. For Example Grocery shops, Gift Shops, Medicals, Cinema theaters and ……………. Everywhere

On medicine you can see a barcode, On Bus ticket, you can see a barcode, On Grocery shop every item you can see with a barcode, On a Cloth shop, all clothes are tagged with a barcode. It means you can see the surrounding yours you will find that everywhere a barcode exists.
This is called barcode world.
So in the Libraries barcode plays an important role. how? where? Let’s See

Barcode is nowadays very much used in libraries because Barcode makes work simple. Book Barcode is the new way of the digital library. Barcode is the tool that provides you convenience and assurity of work. 

What is mean by Library Book barcoding ?

book barcode means we convert the book number or accession number to a barcode. 
When we give the book number to a particular book. at that time we also make the same number barcode for that book.
 So we can simply do circulation of books. easily we can do the book outward and inward. 
When we scan the barcode with the barcode scanner. at that time it shows the book number on a computer. 
 So Barcoding needs to do in the library. Everybody asking. Have done barcoding in your library?. So at that time, you must say, Yes. So Barcoding provides a digital tag for our library. 

For More Information:------

Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

- How To Do Contemplation / Meditation

- Learn To Differentiate Between Mutual Funds And Stocks.

- Free photos, Videos, Vectors, Illustration & Music. No copywriter claim on such Material.

Library Book Supporters

- How to Manage / Maintain Library?

Where do I get a book stamp? The thing which really required in the library that is Library Stamps

- What is the Basic Thing requires to start a Library? Library Card, Library Book Card, Book Card Pocket, Book Return Sleep, Magazine/Periodicals/Journals Cardex Index

How can I read library books online?

- How to write a library science thesis or dissertation PDF

 Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

- How To Make the Library Booklist?

Mukesh R Patel school Library

- How to make Library Book Spine Label

Friday, March 26, 2021

How to make Library Book Spine Label

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

On the Spine Label of library books we are mention book number, Call Number, and book place number. so today we are going to see the three topics one is Book Number, the Second is call number and the third one is Place number. All three numbers if you put on spine label then you are the best librarian. It shows your perfectness in your work. How? Let's see.

Book Number/ Accession number:-

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

Nowadays In Library, we have to assign one book number for a book. The book number is also called the accession number. we have given a sequence-wise number to books in our library. we can give the  Book Number sequence-wise but for specific identification, we are using two alphabets before and after the book number. I have to use the initial alphabet of my library name ( CBSE Library ). so I can make 222 book numbers, like this C222L. Form CBSE I have chosen C and Form Library I have chosen L. so every time I will use these words before and after the book number. I assign the book number, which means for accession number. 

Call Number/ Classification Number:-

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

 we need to give the Call number to the books. Because the call number is the tool that can club the new book with exist book. The call number gives the book identification that this book is related to which subject. Call number means calcification number. Classification is a long word so it made short by call number. When you mention the call number on the spine label at that time, through that call number anybody can arrange the books easily by subject. In Big libraries, a Working person can easily identify the book with the call number and arrange that book at the proper place

Place Number/ Destination number:-

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

Place number is the convenient method for big libraries. If you mention the Place number on the spine label it gives you and your library workers easiness. Why?  Because if you give the 10 A this place number to a particular book then it means 10 number shelves and in A Row this book needs to placed. 10 indicates the shelves number and A Is indicates that particular shelves' Row Number. This is a very much convenient method use nowadays.

For More Information:------

Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

- How To Do Contemplation / Meditation

- Learn To Differentiate Between Mutual Funds And Stocks.

- Free photos, Videos, Vectors, Illustration & Music. No copywriter claim on such Material.

Library Book Supporters

- How to Manage / Maintain Library?

Where do I get a book stamp? The thing which really required in the library that is Library Stamps

- What is the Basic Thing requires to start a Library? Library Card, Library Book Card, Book Card Pocket, Book Return Sleep, Magazine/Periodicals/Journals Cardex Index

How can I read library books online?

- How to write a library science thesis or dissertation PDF

 Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

- How To Make the Library Booklist?

Mukesh R Patel school Library

- How to make Library Book Spine Label


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Mukesh R Patel school Library

  Read online Free PDf Books ​/  Online PDF Free Books for Children/ Children Library

Hello Students,

Read /Listen / Download.


Dear Student,

 Now you can read books online Anytime & Everywhere, on your mobile and computer. Our Mukesh R Patel school Library has provided you, children-literature on your fingertip. Here Not only You can read books, but also you can listen to books. So Go and visit the given websites. Search for your favorite book.


1. International Children Digital Library


              This Organization Serving the Best children's Literature for free. This organization's Vision is to give the world outstanding children Literature all over the world With different languages.

-This Site Home Page interface Is like this.

Under the title of First Time Visitor, you will find the link to reading Books Click On it. The Interface is Like this here you can select your language. Here you will find the search option of Book Title or author name. on this website, various  Topic books are available, particularly for children's age group.

-You can read the children's literature on this page.



2. Internet Archive


This Website provides more than 3500  books free. On this website, you can find language options and Topic Option on this webpage.

-This Site Home Page interface Is like this.


You can read the children's literature on this page. 




3. Project Gutnaburg


This website provides bookshelves, so here we can choose easily children's bookshelves option. Here you can select various subject books by your interest.

This Site Home Page interface Is like this. 

You can read the children's literature on this page.


4. Librivox


 On this website, you not only can listen to books but also you can read the books online. When you going to press the link of the subject. At that time you will find a special category available here for children's literature.

This Site Home Page interface Is like this.

You can read the children's literature on this page.


5. Bookboon


This Website provides you audiobook for you. On this site, you will find good quality contain. Once you visit the website, then you will realize the importance of this site.

This Site Home Page interface Is like this. 

You can read the children's literature on this page. 


6. PDFBookWorld


 On this website, you will get a high-quality book. Here you will find all kinds of books for all age groups, especially children's literature. This website interface is easy to use.

This Site Home Page interface Is like this. 


You can read the children's literature on this page. 



7. Open Library


This page is one of the page of the Internet Archive website. But Here You can read more books.

Not only You can Read the books on this website but also you can listen to the books.

This Site Home Page interface Is like this.


You can read the children's literature on this page.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How To Make the Library Booklist?

Library Book List.

How to select books for the library? 

Hi Friends,  
Library science is a field that teaches you every day something new. 

You may be asking how? So Let’s know how to make a library book list. 
Here we distinguish the topic into two parts. 
One is arranging the books of the library by subject and making the list of that particular books.
 And the second thing is which books need to purchase for the library and making the list of that books.

First one, Making the book list of the library is by subject is always good.

 Because when the reader comes to the library. They will ask the book on the particular topic. Then you can go towards that cupboard /shelves and search the book in that subject list which we displayed on that bookshelves. If it is there then pick up that book from that cupboard and give it to that reader. If you make the list of books by author or Title then you come to know. The number of lists of the books will increase. Then searching the book in the library will become hectic work for you. If you make the list of books according to the subject and pasted on that particular bookshelves then you just need to guide your reader towards that bookshelves and he himself can find his book. 

The second way, of how to make a library book list. So when we going to purchase the book for the library at that time we need to make the list of the books according to our reader needs. Preparing the book list is always skillful work. So when you are going to make the book list, then think about what your readers demanding. Which subject books have in demand, which subject books are in the library more, and which subject books are less. 

Which author books are required bringing in the library, and which title always asked by readers. So think about all questions and then make your library book list. Because the library is a growing organism. In this way, you need to think about the future. Which book demand will increase in the future. like this way, you should prepare a list of books.

Maybe you will be understood. how to make the list of books for your library. So never make it large, make it simple. Booklists are always helpful for librarians and readers. Whenever the new book comes to the library you should add that book to that subject book list and display it on that bookshelves. Second way whenever the reader asks for any book from you, that time if the book not found in the library at that time you should add that tile to purchasing books list. 

For More Information:------

Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

- How To Do Contemplation / Meditation

- Learn To Differentiate Between Mutual Funds And Stocks.

- Free photos, Videos, Vectors, Illustration & Music. No copywriter claim on such Material.

Library Book Supporters

- How to Manage / Maintain Library?

Where do I get a book stamp? The thing which really required in the library that is Library Stamps

- What is the Basic Thing requires to start a Library? Library Card, Library Book Card, Book Card Pocket, Book Return Sleep, Magazine/Periodicals/Journals Cardex Index

How can I read library books online?

- How to write a library science thesis or dissertation PDF

 Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

- How To Make the Library Booklist?

Mukesh R Patel school Library

- How to make Library Book Spine Label

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

Where Can I Download Free Books?

Hi Friends,

Free books online you can read but also you can download. How and where, so these things we are discussing in this article. The online network is the jungle, in this jungle how to find the things which you like. Then you needed the best guide. Free books you can get somewhere easily but the download option is not available so how to download is a very hectic thing. Some sites on the internet where you can get these facilities so which are these sites and how to download let’s see ahead.   

1. OpenLibrary

On this Website, you can search the book by title, author, and subject. This is called the online archive Project. Here you can also contribute by uploading the books. From Here you can Download PDF books

2. Google books

Google books

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Project Gutenberg

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5. Book Boon


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For More Information:------

Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

- How To Do Contemplation / Meditation

- Learn To Differentiate Between Mutual Funds And Stocks.

- Free photos, Videos, Vectors, Illustration & Music. No copywriter claim on such Material.

Library Book Supporters

- How to Manage / Maintain Library?

Where do I get a book stamp? The thing which really required in the library that is Library Stamps

- What is the Basic Thing requires to start a Library? Library Card, Library Book Card, Book Card Pocket, Book Return Sleep, Magazine/Periodicals/Journals Cardex Index

How can I read library books online?

- How to write a library science thesis or dissertation PDF

 Many Websites where you can Download Free PDF e-Books

- How To Make the Library Booklist?

Mukesh R Patel school Library

- How to make Library Book Spine Label