Friday, March 26, 2021

How to make Library Book Spine Label

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

On the Spine Label of library books we are mention book number, Call Number, and book place number. so today we are going to see the three topics one is Book Number, the Second is call number and the third one is Place number. All three numbers if you put on spine label then you are the best librarian. It shows your perfectness in your work. How? Let's see.

Book Number/ Accession number:-

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

Nowadays In Library, we have to assign one book number for a book. The book number is also called the accession number. we have given a sequence-wise number to books in our library. we can give the  Book Number sequence-wise but for specific identification, we are using two alphabets before and after the book number. I have to use the initial alphabet of my library name ( CBSE Library ). so I can make 222 book numbers, like this C222L. Form CBSE I have chosen C and Form Library I have chosen L. so every time I will use these words before and after the book number. I assign the book number, which means for accession number. 

Call Number/ Classification Number:-

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

 we need to give the Call number to the books. Because the call number is the tool that can club the new book with exist book. The call number gives the book identification that this book is related to which subject. Call number means calcification number. Classification is a long word so it made short by call number. When you mention the call number on the spine label at that time, through that call number anybody can arrange the books easily by subject. In Big libraries, a Working person can easily identify the book with the call number and arrange that book at the proper place

Place Number/ Destination number:-

Library Book Number/ Library Book Accession number, Library Book Call Number/ Library Book Classification Number & Library Book Place Number/ Library Book Destination number

Place number is the convenient method for big libraries. If you mention the Place number on the spine label it gives you and your library workers easiness. Why?  Because if you give the 10 A this place number to a particular book then it means 10 number shelves and in A Row this book needs to placed. 10 indicates the shelves number and A Is indicates that particular shelves' Row Number. This is a very much convenient method use nowadays.

For More Information:------

Five Laws of Library Science by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

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- How to make Library Book Spine Label


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